Posts Tagged ‘Sport’
Westbrook Sports Precinct Master Planning – Rotorua Lakes Council
SGL and BOON supported by Rawlinsons led the development process for this 76-hectare area owed by Rotorua Lakes Council – This Precinct includes Rotorua’s Outdoor Stadium and is the current home of Rotorua netball, hockey, rugby, athletics, touch, cricket and the 18-hole Springfield Golf Course.
Although the BOP Places and Spaces Strategy was in place, [...]
Swan Hill Aquatic Strategy – Victoria (2019)
Swan Hill Rural City Council is the north of Victoria along the River Murray. The aquatic strategy included an assessment of the condition of existing aquatic facilities through an engineering assessment and technical audits together with identification of the level and standards of aquatic recreation facilities that Council should provide for residents across the region. […]
City of Greater Geelong Indoor Sports Courts Needs Analysis – Victoria (2020)
The City of Greater Geelong (CoGG) sought to update its Indoor Recreation Facilities Strategy, which was finalised in 2014. Whilst the 2014 Strategy was finalised, it was not formally adopted by Council. Due to significant growth and development within the CoGG LGA, this strategy needed to be refreshed to consider current growth challenges and changing […]
Howick Local Board Sport and Recreation Facilities Plan – Auckland Council (2015 and update 2018)
Howick is a rapidly growing area of Auckland with about 130,000 people in 2018. SGL was commissioned to develop a sport and recreation facility plan for Howick Local Board which from a demand perspective considered the community demographics and the needs of about 30 different sports, and from a supply perspective considered the current facility status and future [...]
Sports Field Needs and Options Assessment – Hamilton City Council (2020)
Too often Councils can have sports field demand assessments without a corresponding assessment of supply strategy and cost implications. SGL’s Field Needs and Options Assessment reviewed previous demand work and then with the HCC staff team reviewed supply option. Specifically, this report: Reviewed previous reports’ field recommendations relative to demand and supply requirements, and compared […]