Many companies steer clear of funding…we don’t. How to solve the funding of a project is a critical element of any project proceeding. Consequently, early consideration of how to fund a project is essential and will also usually impact on the overall positioning and strategy for a community facility or place making development.

SGL has specialist funding expertise in all forms of funding, including public funding, philanthropic funding, and commercial property expertise.

Relevant Services

  • Preliminary Capital Funding Assessment
  • Facility/Development Capital Funding Feasibility: Public, Philanthropic and Commercial
  • Facility/Development Capital Funding Securing and Implementation
  • Community Investment Programme for City/District-Wide Community Facilities
  • Facility Funding Advisory and Applications
  • Optimisation of Public and Private Investment for Community Placemaking

Preliminary Capital Funding Assessment

A Preliminary Capital Funding Assessment is a preliminary assessment only of the potential funding sources/strategies and likely levels available to a project, and usually involves limited market or donor testing. However, it can often be a very important early element of the project solution process. For example, if it appears likely there will be a material funding shortfall, there may need to be a fundamental rethink on how the project can proceed.

Capital Funding Feasibility

A full Capital Funding Feasibility includes an assessment, from a capital funding perspective, of the project description and support; people leadership and management; donor sources and gift support; and in turn recommends and develops the capital funding strategy for the project or development.

As part of the capital funding solution, public funding, philanthropic and/or commercial funding solutions will be considered as appropriate. Funding solutions may sometimes require asset rationalisation, improving operational viability to enable debt servicing, and/or joint venture and partnership approaches

Capital Funding Feasibility and Advisory

Capital Funding Securing and Implementation

Based on the capital funding feasibility, SGL will often then guide and/or directly implement the capital funding implementation, which may require grant applications to secure public funding, development of corporate partnerships, personal gifting, impact investment (i.e., low interest loans to secure social outcomes) and private investment.

Increasingly, for funding success, a ‘co-design-co-invest’ and sometimes also a ‘co-deliver’ approach is often required.

Community Investment Programme for City/District-Wide Community Facilities

Too often the funding of an individual project is considered in isolation, but the reality for many Councils and cities is there are multiple community infrastructure demands, both Council and non-Council projects, and to optimise investment and community outcomes an integrated funding strategy is essential.

Such a Community Investment Programme is a City-wide funding framework and strategy, which puts in place dynamic and pro-active processes and systems to optimise community outcomes from all possible funding sources. Funding sources include Central Government, Local Government, public and private Trusts, corporates, individuals, community organisations, education institutions, and from impact and commercial investment.

SGL is acknowledged as the leading Australian adviser for such City and District-wide funding strategies.

Our process

Case studies

Reefton Powerhouse Funding Advisory (2013 to Current)
On the backdrop of District-wide funding advisory work for Buller District Council, SGL has guided the  phased development of this project, initially guiding the completion of a visitor experience strategy by creative and digital agency Locales, helping securing the corresponding funding for this phase one, then setting up the restoration of a working power station […]
Rotorua Lakes Council Community Funding Strategy and Implementation (2004 – 2009)
This integrated funding programme for Rotorua District Council involved the securing of $38 million (67%) of the total $56 million required for the Rotorua Events Centre, Museum and Civic Theatre from non-Council funding.
Advisory Role for Development of Acorn Community Foundation (2003 – 2012)
Lead advisory support to the Acorn Foundation for 10+ years to assist with the development of a community-wide endowment programme for the Western Bay of Plenty, which today has $50 million invested and an estimated 6X+ of pledged endowments, from 350+ donors. The Acorn Foundation is universally acknowledged as NZ’s most successful community-wide endowment programme.

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