No-one can predict the future; SGL can help you prepare for the future. We can develop short-, medium- and long-term strategies to meet the changing needs and demands of your community, organisation, or market. We can deliver planning strategies ranging from State or region-wide plans, to local plans for recreation or sporting reserves, to strategic plans for organisations. SGL has specialist expertise in all forms of strategic needs assessments, master planning, feasibilities, and strategic and business planning.
Relevant Services
- Facility Strategic Needs Assessment and Master Planning
- Facility Business Feasibility including Financial Modelling
- Organisational Strategic and Business Planning
- Governance Advisory and Development
Facility Strategic Needs Assessment and Master Planning
Identifying the strategic needs of clients is a significant stage in the development process. Clients’ needs, objectives and requirements are clarified during the project commencement phase and are fundamental to the definition of a project. This project may be a construction project; a new building, extension and/or renovation. Once the strategic analysis of needs has been rigorously identified it will result in a clarification of the goals of the organisation, a better definition of its real needs and the strategic decision should recommend the best means to achieve those goals and objectives. SGL works with our clients to review the possibilities, evaluate them and then make a decision on what the project should look like in order to achieve the goals and objectives needed by the client. Once we have identified the strategic needs of the client, SGL can work with the client to develop a master plan for the facility. The master plan describes the long-term vision for a project, a particular site, an area or even a city. SGL has specialist skills in developing master planning to provide a coherent planning framework for the proposed project.
Facility Business Feasibility Including Financial Modelling
A facility business feasibility is the process for identifying problems and opportunities, determining objectives, describing situations, defining successful outcomes and assessing the range of benefits and costs associated with building a new facility (i.e., Swimming Pool, Sports Hall, Theatre, Art Gallery, or other building). SGL help clients through the business feasibility process to support decision making based on a benefit cost analysis of the project viability. SGL have significant expertise using various industry financial models to develop these analytical tools to provide clients with the best project feasibility information relevant to their particular project and will include recommendations and limitations to assist the decision makers to determine if the investment is viable.
Organisational Strategic and Business Planning
SGL have extensive experience in development of organisational strategic and business planning. A strategic plan is used to provide focus, direction and action in order to move the organisation from where they are to where they want to go. The research and information uncovered during a feasibility study will support the business planning stage and reduce the research time. A thorough viability analysis provides an abundance of information that is also necessary for the Business Plan. SGL supports clients to develop business plans to either improve operating performance, to obtain funding, or to assess the viability of a business opportunity, and is more tactical in nature.
Governance Advisory and Development
Cultural, sport and community organisations are increasingly confronting governance challenges due to the increasing complexity of the operating environment and due to the increasing demands of compliance and regulation that impose greater accountability for organisational decision making. It’s important to have effective governance structures and decision-making protocols that enhance effective operations. The depth of our experience in sports and community governance is a source of knowledge and we can provide high-quality skills-building workshops for board and executive teams to assist improved organisational performance. Additionally, we have a range of diagnostic tools to provide the capacity for boards to assess and benchmark their corporate governance against standards of leading practice.