Hamilton City Council’s required outcome was to achieve a greenfield town centre in Rototuna (Hamilton) to achieve a vibrant community hub with integrated civic and commercial development. A complete project review was required and to achieve success, is an example of a concurrent investment, place making, planning and community engagement approach. SGL co-led a project team to develop a comprehensive urban design and community engagement processes, specific facility and investment development processes. This included
- Investor development and tender management for an aquatic investor/operator. The proposed solution for the aquatic facility is a level of local government stimulus, to enable private equity investment plus debt funding by an impact investor
- Development of multiple spatial options with corresponding assessment of the ROI and EBIT margin for the developer in parallel with levels of earnings (from DCs, rates, leases and/or land sales) and net assets for Council
- On-going liaison and negotiation with the main developer to gain their buy-in to the required type and scale of commercial development, necessary land swaps, fair and shared responsibility for car parking costs, and the co-ordinated timing of both commercial developments and adjacent roading.
The total project scale was about $20 million civic spend and about $50 million of commercial development. The team started this role in Q3 2018 and have been subsequently re-contracted to complete the development.